What need do we meet?


This is the first question in the Connective’s proprietary Ideation Session and the question many entrepreneurs lose sleep over. 

“The key to success is to find a need and meet it,” a wise mentor once told me early on in my career. I’ve held on to that as a central point in providing growth strategies to dozens of organizations. 

The honest answer to “what need do we meet?” drives the unique benefit of the business. The answer is usually an emotional response like peace of mind, belonging, success, financial freedom, safety, and convenience. If we can’t find a strong emotional word to define the benefit, we probably don’t have a strong business case. If it’s more of a want, we don’t have a strong business case (without huge monetary or other resources). 

It takes a seasoned professional to suss out the true need an audience is feeling. And once determined, it’s that impetus that becomes the root of all future growth strategies. 

Whether it’s marketing strategies, content campaigns, ads or even market research, the “why” behind your customers needs must pervade all inward and outward facing communications. 

Learn more about The Connectives ideation session by contacting us now. 


To Boldly Go Where Marketing Has Never Gone Before – Part 1